Thursday, January 30, 2020

Get off my Land - Recreation

Get off my Land - recreation

Mise en scene

Prop - the prop used in the short film is a gun, this prop is used to create shock and fear in the audience when the farmer first appears with the weapon and then kills the couple with it. The prop gun we used was an air rifle as an alternative to the shotgun used in the actual short film.

Costume - In this short film there are 3 different characters - for the first two characters: the couple going for a walk; the costumes are not too important. They are wearing simple basic clothes suitable for walking but not too outdoorsy, the man has white trainers on that are extremely muddy whilst the woman has walking boots showing she is more prepared and perhaps a keener walker. The landowner looks like quite a traditional farmer or hunter with a farmer’s cap and boots, he looks quite wealthy.
All of them are wearing light jackets.

Setting - We were originally gong to be shooting our creation of ‘Get off My Land’ in Swardeston. We chose this location as our setting because it is a rural and desolate area in the countryside, obviously a very fitting setting for our recreation of ‘Get off My Land’. Also, as the setting is very deserted, the sound of traffic and the public will not be a problem and not disrupt our video. Moreover, not only is this location rural, it closely resembles the setting of ‘Get off My Land’ as it contains numerous trees, fields and foliage just like the video. However due to bad weather on the day of the shoot we had to change locations to the Tiffy in Wymondham which is similar to Swardeston and so was suitable for the shoot.

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